Dr. Horton

Getting Started


Directions to Office

Directions to the Office


The physical address of Dr. Horton's office is:

1618 Williams Dr., Suite 6

Georgetown, TX 78628

The office faces Parkway and my name is on the door.

Park in any marked space excepting the covered carport.

  • From Austin, take Exit 261-A and turn left at the light.
  • Proceed through the light at Rivery.
  • Turn left onto Parkway.
  • The office is on the corner of Williams and Parkway.
  • From north of Georgetown, take Exit 262 and turn right onto Williams.

Follow driving directions above.







If you are planning to see Dr. Horton, please select DOWNLOAD INTAKE FORMS to see and print the intake forms. If for any reason, you do not wish to or choose not to download these forms, please call so that you can make arrangements to pick them up prior to your first visit.

This site is c. 2016 by Dr. Pamela Horton, Ph.D. and maintained by Communication Arts Multimedia, Inc.