Sessions, with Dr. Horton, focus on developing permanent solutions to problems that you may be experiencing.
Dr. Horton can help you with the following:
Grief processing....
- Stress....
- Life changes....
- Recovery from trauma....
- Relationship issues....
- Anxieties....
- Phobias....
- Illnesses....
- Aging....
- Habit change....
Personal Attention
- There is no “cookbook” formula in Dr. Horton’s office. Your individual needs are carefully assessed and a plan is developed to help you get the results you want.
- Dr. Horton helps you identify and better utilize the areas of your strengths and teaches you productive ways of handling areas in which you are less skilled.
- Dr. Horton assists you in reducing symptoms rapidly and get to the underlying cause of the symptoms so that in most cases, they do not return. If they do return, you will have a strategy that will help you to cope with them much more productively and effectively.
Dr. Horton has received extensive training in therapeutic techniques which may produce very rapid results. Among these techniques are:
- Hypnosis
- Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR, Levels I and II)
- Thought Field Therapy (Levels I and II and Diagnostic)
Other types of therapies uncover thinking and behavior patterns which prevent you from being your best self. These therapies include
- Cognitive
- Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy (REBT)
- Insight Oriented
- Psychodynamic
- Reality Therapy
In addition, you will find that Dr. Horton is very straightforward, advocating for your well being in a no nonsense kind of way. You will be impressed with her common sense and her strong belief in approaching life with a strong spiritual base and a “can do” attitude. There are no victims in her practice, for Dr. Horton teaches everyone who seeks her counsel to not only survive but also to thrive.